Trouble is, with one baby that wakes up because he's hungry and won't go back to sleep because of his Constitutional right to be held at all times . . . and with another (Liam) that has been
waking up over the last few nights wailing unconsolably . . . something in my brain tells me, there's no point in going to sleep. You're a jerk if you go to sleep. Marisa needs you to be awake. Marisa strongly disagrees. Because in the morning I am useless.
I don't know what's wrong with Liam. I think it's respiratory, and that it's light enough it doesn't bother him when he's not trying to sleep. When he wakes up fully, he gets over it. Then we put him back to bed, and after a while he wakes up wailing again. Poor guy! The stuff we got for him (a Sudafed clone, plus something else I can't remember) helps some. Not completely.But maybe it'll be enough. I'll try going to sleep again. Everyone else seems to have.